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Column Type Collation Operator Value
id int(11)
owner varchar(100) armscii8_bin
agent varchar(100) armscii8_bin
needagent tinyint(1)
agentinfo longtext armscii8_bin
access longtext armscii8_bin
labs longtext armscii8_bin
model varchar(50) armscii8_bin
polyzone longtext armscii8_bin
position longtext armscii8_bin
enter longtext armscii8_bin
exit longtext armscii8_bin
board longtext armscii8_bin
price int(11)
sold tinyint(1)
interior tinyint(1)
reseller varchar(100) armscii8_bin
furnitures longtext armscii8_bin
cam longtext armscii8_bin
exterior longtext armscii8_bin
garage longtext armscii8_bin
garagevehicles longtext armscii8_bin
doors longtext armscii8_bin
weight int(11)
inventory longtext armscii8_bin
rent longtext armscii8_bin
installment longtext armscii8_bin
maxweed int(11)
shellopened tinyint(1)
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